
    Zoek Resultaten


    Succesvolle opening van het Pharma Nord opleidings -en onderzoekscentrum - 05.09.2008

    EFSA gives SelenoPrecise the stamp of approval

    The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reviewed the extensive safety documentation on Pharma Nord's selenium yeast SelenoPrecise and concluded that the product does not present any safety concern.

    SelenoPrecise was already approved by derogation in many EU member states, and the new approval by EFSA confirms the future potential for using SelenoPrecise as a safe and stable selenium ingredient in food products and supplements. With the approval, SelenoPrecise can be marketed in the entire EU.

    EFSA's panel on Food Additives stressed that only selenium-enriched yeasts produced by cultures in the presence of sodium selenite and containing selenomethionine as the predominant organic form of selenium were included in the safety approval. Selenocysteine and other organic selenium compounds should not exceed 10 percent.

    SelenoPrecise is characterized by a high and stable content of more than 80% organic l-selenomethionine in every batch, and with a uniquely high bioavailability. Both the stability and bioavailability of SelenoPrecise have been documented as higher than any other known selenium source.

    The panel also stated that selenium from organic sources, such as selenium yeast, had a documented higher bioavailability and lower toxicity than the inorganic selenium forms of selenite or selenate.

    À la page d`accueil

    Het bedrijf ontwikkelt, vervaardigt en verkoopt wetenschappelijk gefundeerde voedingssupplementen, kruidenpreparaten en geneesmiddelen gebaseerd op een optimale biologische beschikbaarheid, veiligheid en documentatie.



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    +32 2 720 51 20  


    Pharma Nord bv
    Minervastraat 14
    1930 ZAVENTEM
    België / Belgium